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November Editor’s Note

Some months back, we published a story titled Remember When the Car Hobby had Seasons? The traditional ones – summer and fall – are in retreat. The next car season – of indoor new model introductions or collector shows, and of seemingly around-the-clock cable TV visits to car tuners or barn finders, is just not the same. All four of our contributors this month espouse the same message: Get out there and drive, enjoy your cars and the roads. Go kick up some leaves!

Sean Cridland and Randy Wells each elevate a Pre-A 356 to near mythic status along with the gents who drive them regularly. Larry Crane reintroduces us to Jaroslav Juhan, the Czechoslovakian entrepreneur who, when he wasn’t establishing businesses in Guatemala or Switzerland was out there racing 550 Spyders in Mexico (and then Ferrari Testa Rossas at Le Mans).

We have brought back the book reviews to the magazine this month, in advance of the holidays when you find out how much your partners love you and put up with your hobby. And we’ll have more fresh titles to show you before it’s time to tear open wrapping paper.

Perhaps most importantly, Richard Newton gives you all the reasons you should not put your car into hibernation, not least of which is because if it’s put away, you can’t enjoy it on those exceptional days that surprise you. Hurricane season on the east coast and El Niño on the west are racing cold and snow in northern states to see what kind of winter interrupts the enjoyment of these cars soonest in one region or another. Until then, keep one eye on the weather forecast and another on the road, head out, and put that smile back on your face.

Randy Leffingwell
Editor, Road Scholars Magazine