Something Old, Something New – November 2015
With this November issue, book reviews return to the magazine. These listings appear in this issue to give those who love you perhaps enough time to source, secure, and gift wrap them for you in time for the December holidays. You’ll know how much they love you if you ask for either of these first two […]
Jaroslav Vaclav Juhan – An old friend with stories
(13 October 1921 – 28 September 2011) “Larry!” The voice was strong and gravelly. It had a soft accent that assembled elements of Czech, Italian, Spanish, German and English in a gentle, aristocratic structure, recognizable from a recent telephone conversation. Jaroslov Juhan’s hand went up in the crowd. “How good to meet you after all […]
Timeless Grace
Cruising the high desert and mountain roads of New Mexico in the 1951 Split-Window Pre-A 356, one almost forgets what year it is. Though the car is slow and imprecise by today’s standards, there’s so little traffic one forgets what year or even decade it is. The dawn light gives the car an ethereal glow. Its […]
November Editor’s Note
Some months back, we published a story titled Remember When the Car Hobby had Seasons? The traditional ones – summer and fall – are in retreat. The next car season – of indoor new model introductions or collector shows, and of seemingly around-the-clock cable TV visits to car tuners or barn finders, is just not […]
As Nice As Pie – A 1953 Porsche 356 That Still Delivers The Original Goods
Michael Copperthite comes from a long line of pie makers. His ancestors founded the Connecticut-Copperthite Pie Baking Company in Washington D.C. on Thanksgiving Day 1885 with nothing more than a horse, a wagon, and $3.50. By 1897, Henry Copperthite Sr. was a millionaire with hundreds of delivery wagons, one of which now resides in the Smithsonian […]
Hibernation is for Bears, not Cars
You shouldn’t put your car in hibernation. You should be driving your car. You need to drive it at least once a month – every month. You’re going to ignore this advice. You’re going to tell me it’s cold in the winter and there is salt on the road blah, blah, blah. The time and […]